Clean Your Criminal Record with the Bueno Visto Approval Process

For some applicants the major block from obtaining a Residency Visa in Panama is the requirement for a clean Criminal Record from their current country of residence.

If you want to get a Residency Visa in Panama, there’s an important step you need to take. You’ll need to provide a National Criminal Background Check from the country where you currently live. This document is necessary to show that you have a clean record and meet the requirements for residency in Panama. It’s like getting a stamp of approval to show that you’re a law-abiding citizen.

The National Criminal Background Check is like a background check that Panama uses to find out if you have ever been involved in any criminal activities in your own country. It helps them determine if you have a criminal history or not.

Having a clean criminal background report is a crucial step towards obtaining your Panama Residency Visa. It means that you have no previous convictions or illegal activities on your record. This is important because the Panamanian government wants to ensure that individuals seeking residency in their country are law-abiding citizens. Think of it like a job application process – if you have a clean record, it shows that you are a trustworthy and responsible person. So, if you’re looking to make Panama your new home, make sure you’ve got a clear criminal background report!

However, if your National criminal Background Report shows any violations or offenses, it will cause delays in the processing of your residency visa till it gets resolved with the Bueno Visto Approval.

If you have been arrested for things like driving under the influence or other minor offenses, your visa application will go through a special process called “Bueno Visto.” This process involves reviewing and approving your application by either the Supervisor of Immigration or the Director of Immigration. It’s important to note that there is a fee of $795 USD associated with this process.

Getting approval from the Director of Immigration can take anywhere from 1 to 3 months. It’s like waiting for a package to arrive in the mail – sometimes it comes quickly, and other times it takes a bit longer. Just like you eagerly anticipate receiving a package, you’ll have to patiently wait for the approval to come through.

We won’t be able to move forward with your residency visa application until the Bueno Visto is approved. 

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