Living and Retirement in Panama offers all these Benefits

Tax Haven

The Panama Retirement Visa is the Easiest Residency Visa in the World

1. Low Tax Status at Home
Foreign residents with a Panama Retirement Visa pay no taxes and enjoy a low tax status in their country of citizenship.

2. Tax Free Foreign Income
Local and foreign residents with a Panama Visa  can receive Tax free foreign income.

3. No Reporting Requirements
Businesses are moving to Panama to form Corporations and Foundations and avoid having to file tax returns.

4. High Local Income with Low Taxes
Individuals with a Panama Visa have many opportunities to generate high local income. The best part is that they pay low taxes and don’t need much capital because they qualify for local financing

5. The Financial Center of the Americas

There are thousands of good reasons why Panama is the top nation in the World that has the most licensed financial businesses per capita.

6. Strong Secrecy Laws

In 1927 Panama was founded as the World’s pioneering nation with the first true tax heaven with a constitution that made evasion of privacy a criminal offense.  In the very recent past, the privately owned centralized banking cartel forced Panama’s 130 public and private banks to violate the nation’s constitutions or lose their correspondent banking network.  A century later, decaying criminal cartel is collapsing and Panama’s economy is set to skyrocket as it revives its constitutional foundation that made it the top country for gross national growth from 2008 to 2011.

Travel & Transportation

With an Easy Panama Retirement Visa, Foreign Residents can Travel any time they want

7. No Length of Stay Restrictions
Retiring in Panama allows residents with a Panama Visa to maintain their Panama residency Visa status even if they are out of the Panama for more than 700 days.

8. Direct Air Flight Connections
Having direct Air flight connections with most major countries, individuals can retire in Panama and continue travelling for business or pleasure. Holders of the Panama Retirement Visa get a 25% discount on all airline tickets.

9. Awesome Transportation System
A world class public transportation system makes living in Panama much easier for those with hectic lifestyles.

10. Extensive Highway Network
People retiring in Panama use an extensive highway network that provides easy access within the capital and fast access to any city.

Business & Economy

Many Options for a Panama Visa are bringing People and Businesses to Panama’s Booming Economy

11. Millions of Business People Visit and Make Deals
Business opportunities are continually generated around the Panama Canal, the Free Zone and the second busiest port in the world. Foreigners retiring in Panama keep on making international deals because millions of business people are always visiting Panama for many different reasons.

12. Retire in Panama to Enjoy a 12% Economic Growth
The Panamanian economy has been growing at the rate of 6% to 12% a year while most other countries are suffering from widespread economic stagnation.  This spectacular economic growth has become a magnet that attracts people to get a Panama Visa and grow successful international businesses.  The rest of the world is beginning to recognize that Peace, Low Taxes and Economic Freedom Create Prosperity.

13. Many “Off-the-grid” Agriculture Investment Options
There are many “off-the-grid” opportunities, reforestation, farms and other agricultural options to get a Panama Visa, invest and retire in Panama.

14. Panama Pacifico
It is a Tax-free region hosting the head offices of several multinational corporations, schools, a gold storage facility, retail stores and a variety of other services. Panama Pacifico is located on an oceanfront area next to the Pan American Bridge of the Canal and includes a residential community.

Study and Science

15. Public and Private Schools
There is a large network of free public schools. Starting for around 300 USD per month, there are also many affordable private schools that are offering primary and secondary education in SpanishEnglishGermanFrenchJapaneseMandarinArabic and Greek. Foreigners who are living in Panama with their children, find this to be a very important factor for the well-being of the whole family unit. No other country offers such a huge variety of educational options.

16. University and Post Graduate Education
Panama has over 100 Universities that welcome foreigners with a special Panama Visa for Students. Many of these Institutions have international affiliations leading to post-graduate programs in Europe and North America. After living in Panama for some time, some foreign students decide to marry their sweetheart, get a job and start living in Panama permanently.

17. Panama Visas
Flexible Panama Visas – like the Student Panama Visa or various working permits – provide foreign entrepreneurs easy access to an inexpensive, skilled work force. Such a multicultural, talented work force is very valuable to employers who operate in this booming, tax free international business hub. Employers have easy access to highly specialized Europeans, entrepreneurial North Americans, Mexican movers & shakers, Venezuelan BusinesspeopleAsian work wizards, hard-working Nicaraguans, adventurous Brazilians, esoteric Peruvians, elegant Argentinians, feisty Chileans and charming Colombians.

18. International Scientific & Political Centers
Panama hosts:

– The only Smithsonian Institute outside of the USA.

– The Regional Hub of the United Nations.

– A City of Knowledge.

– The Liquid Jungle Laboratories, located in Coiba Island, are a major center of scientific research for wildlife and ocean ecosystems. Coiba is the largest island in Central America that, thanks to Liquid Jungle, has remained virginal to offer us truly magical scuba diving sites.

Living and Moving to Panama

Benefits of Moving to Panama

You can Have it All when you are Living in Panama with an Easy Panama Retirement Visa

19. The Army has been Replaced by a Police Force
The army has been replaced by a police force that keeps crime to a minimum in most areas. Living in Panama is safe and secure.

20. World class Medical and Alternative Health Care Facilities
Foreign Residents Living in Panama don’t worry much about health care because Panama has world class Medical and Alternative Health Care Facilities.

21. Many Multicultural Communities
People of all races and nationalities are living in Panama without having any cultural friction.  All the multicultural communities are functioning harmoniously with peace and respect.

22. Diverse Climate
Moving to Panama offers a variety of city, beach, rural and mountain climates within a radius of 100 kilometers.

23. Population that is Friendly to Foreigners
Moving to Panama is suitable for individuals who want to meet fun loving, good looking, easy-going locals. People living in Panama are always ready for action regardless of age, gender, religion, culture, race, language, sensuous preferences or sexual orientation.

24. Libertarian Society
One of the many benefits of moving to Panama is feeling the freedom of a libertarian society where everything goes as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others.

25. Opportunities with the Indigenous Tribes
Many foreigners living in Panama are intrigued by the exotic habits of the friendly indigenous tribes who live in reservations that are open to tourists.  Panama‘s indigenous population consists of more than 250,000 people who have ownership of the best beach-front and mountain Real Estate in the country. Fair collaboration with the indigenous population has a huge and still unexploited tourism potential.

26. Pure Nature
Panama has hundreds of thousands of acres of protected forests, national parks, sanctuaries and jungles. Living in Panama enriches life with aesthetically and spiritually uplifting experiences.

27. Exotic Islands
Hundreds of islands are waiting to be discovered. One of these islands is reserved for the exclusive use of celebrities and the super-rich. It’s not uncommon for those retiring in Panama to rub shoulders with entertainers and movie stars.

Entertainment & Accommodation

There is Never a Dull Moment for People who Retire in Panama

28. Vibrant Night Life
The city never sleeps with a vibrant night life for all budgets and a variety of nocturnal escapades that makes living in Panama full of pleasant experiences.

29. Residential Options for all Price Points
Those moving to Panama find many choices of residential accommodations that fit every budget.

30. Over 100 Malls and Shopping Centers
There are over 100 malls and shopping centers ranging from the world’s most expensive designer boutiques to the lowest price bargain superstores. Panama is the shopping destination of the Americas. That’s another big plus for people who retire in Panama.

31. Wide Selection of Restaurants
Gourmands, who decide to retire in Panama have a wide selection of restaurants. They will find exclusive establishments that are managed by renowned International Chefs but they will also discover intermediate price level restaurants that go right down to the small food stands offering homemade chicken & rice dinners from around 2.50 USD.

32. Tourist Accommodations for all Budgets 
It’s easy to find a temporary residence and stay in Panama while waiting for a Panama Retirement Visa. There is a huge selection of World class Hotels from those hosting Royalty and Tycoons down to prices of 15 USD/ day hostels with a myriad of in-between choices. 

33. Many Golf Courses 
Those who like golf will certainly chose to retire in Panama because it has more golf courses per capita than any other country in the Americas.

34. International Events 
Art lovers and those interested in personal development will discover that retirement in Panama gives them access to many Latin American and International Expos, Exhibitions, Conventions, Fairs, Summits and Seminars.

35. Beaches & Water Sports
People who can’t imagine a good life without water sports and entertainment, can retire in Panama and discover resort hotels, hidden beaches, remote snorkeling locations, exotic scuba diving and several exciting sports fishing expeditions.

36.Cultural Events
Endless array of cultural events, theatersconcertsfestivals, beach parties and even hillbilly fiestas featuring cock fights.  Those who retire in Panama live a life full of new experiences.

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